2010 - Standards Apr 2010

As part of the ANTS review of the 1997 nurse teacher competencies and the development of the 2010 nurse teacher competencies, a conference abstract and poster were submitted to Nurse Education Today/Nurse Education in Practice (NETNEP)




The core role of the educator is to facilitate learning. Educators may work in a variety of context tertiary educational facilities, hospitals, community. Learners may be students, clinical staff, clients or other staff members.

C1.1 Plans quality learning experiences and programmes which support education and nursing practice

1.1.1 assesses needs of the individual learner in collaboration with the learner

1.1.2 values diversity of learners

1.1.3 acknowledges cultural factors affecting learning

1.1.4 ensures that learner centred principles are applied

1.1.5 considers current and future needs of stakeholders when planning programmes

1.1.6 evaluates learning environment to support needs of the learner

C1-2 Plans effective teaching strategies which facilitate learning

1.2.1 designs appropriate and realistic learning outcomes

1.2.2 plans education programs/learning experiences based on adult learning principles

1.2.3 utilises a variety of teaching resources to support educational practice

1.2.4 recognises workplace opportunities and constraints

1.2.5 incorporates emerging information technology to enhance learning

1.2.6 provides opportunities for co-learning

C1-3 Implements facilitation strategies to support learners

1.3.1 contributes to supporting a positive learning environment

1.3.2 teaches content which reflects current practice

1.3.3 applies evidence-based teaching practice

1.3.4 adapts to contextual environmental challenges in a flexible manner

1.3.5 motivates learners and demonstrates enthusiasm for teaching

1.3.6 acts in capacity of mentor, coach, role model

1.3.7 supervises nursing practice effectively within a clinical context

1.3.8 fosters critical thinking, reflective practice and problem-solving

C1-4 Evaluates learning experiences and programmes in relation to learner needs and nursing outcomes

1.4.1 monitors progress of the learner in relation to planned learning outcomes

1.4.2 utilises briefing and debriefing strategies on a continuum throughout the learning experience

1.4.3 provides constructive and timely feedback to the learner

1.4.4 provides opportunities and support for reflective practice

1.4.5 facilitates engagement of learners in self-assessment of professional competencies.

1.4.6 evaluates educational programmes in conjunction with stakeholders

1.4.7 utilises valid and reliable measures for evaluation

1.4.8 uses programme evaluation findings to ensure currency and applicability of programmes according to professional needs


Educators need to be effective communicators in all areas of educational practice

C2-1 Demonstrates effective communication and interpersonal skills at an advanced level

2.1.1 respects and values learners, staff and patients in all aspects of communication

2.1.2 develops teams and partnerships with health professionals and associated organisations

2.1.3 fosters team relationships with health professionals within the organisational unit of practice

2.1.4 uses formal and informal communication strategies to facilitate a trusting environment conducive to learning

2.1.5 teaches and supervises informatics competencies related to their area of practice

2.1.6 displays competence in use of technology for communication in all facets of their role as educators

2.1.7 demonstrates health literacy in regards to their teaching and professional roles

2.1.8 maintains currency of knowledge and usage of information technology programmes relevant to their role

2.1.9 utilises e-learning strategies to deliver programmes and support learning


Educators are required to demonstrate advanced professional practice competencies dependent on their context of educational practice.

C3-1 Demonstrates advanced nursing knowledge and expertise in the context of teaching

3.1.1 engages in self-reflection and reflective practice in nursing and education practice

3.1.2 maintains a professional portfolio which demonstrates nursing and teaching competence in the area of practice

3.1.3 identifies and engages in professional development activities as required for education and nursing competence

3.1.4 fosters critical inquiry in self and others to develop, maintain and promote the discipline of nursing

3.1.5 demonstrates cultural competence in both educational and nursing practice

3.1.6 embodies the Nursing Code of Conduct and Ethics in all aspect of education and practice

C3-2 Displays management and leadership skills in shaping and implementing change

3.2.1 participates actively in professional organisations

3.2.2 is cognisant of global trends in nursing education

3.2.3 acts as a change agent in response to policies and procedures affecting nursing and educational practice.

3.2.4 manages the organisation of learning experiences and programmes

3.2.5 monitors resources required for educational programmes

3.2.6 provides mentoring for clinical supervision where required

C3-3 Demonstrates a commitment to research and scholarship

3.3.1 shares knowledge and expertise within the wider nursing/allied health community

3.3.2 participates in research activities

3.3.3 models commitment to on-going learning

3.3.4 demonstrates the ability to use deductive and inductive reasoning