ANTS News and Discussion Forum

New Ants Site

New Ants Site

by Administrator Administrator -
Number of replies: 2
Welcome to the new ANTS site. This is currently in test mode so there will be more to follow soon. We have selected Moodle for its education focus.

(Edited by Stuart Taylor - original submission Monday, 15 June 2009, 01:58 AM)

In reply to Administrator Administrator

Re: New Ants Site

by Stuart Taylor -
Sorry for the delay. We want to hear from all those people interested in Nurse Education. We selected Moodle for its education focus however we want to use it for general web site management as well. This has proved problematic. To get around some limitations we have created a ID called "visitor" with a password "visitor". This will enable non-members to post forum messages. We would like to hear you views about what we are doing. We hope people will respect this facility.

We will be offering self registration for non-members and members very shortly.

If you become a member you will have more access to the ANTS site. You will be given the option to learn more about Moodle and its use in Nurse Education by having a private "sandpit" area to experiment with Moodle's tools. Given approval of the National Committee, State Committees and interested individuals will be able to the Moodle tools to help host events, courses and discussions of interest to Nurse Education.
In reply to Stuart Taylor

Re: New Ants Site

by Stuart Taylor -
Thanks for your patience as we have been building the new site. Over the next few days all ANTS members will receive an email explaining how to login If you haven't received an email in a week you may have forgotten to tell us that it has changed. Send me an email with your details.

A big challenge for us has been making the site open to all those interested and at the same time provide a viable tool for the day to day operation of ANTS. The big step forward for members is the opportunity to contribute to professional debate and help others.