Hi ANTS Members,
We have our AGM for 2015 this Saturday at University of Western Sydney. We will be providing a live webinar to enable anyone not able to get to Parramatta to be involved. Webinars/Webconference will increasingly need to be used by educators and our guest presenter will be discussing some of these challenges. To register for the Webinar click on this link https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1910088458266031873 More information is available on our website at http://www.ants.org.au
Our ANTS 2014 Annual Financial Report-and Branch Revenue is available here http://www.ants.org.au/ants/mod/resource/view.php?id=711 It would be great to have a quick look at the report. Given that many of our members will not be able to attend on Saturday we are asking for you to answer a pre-AGM poll. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions on notice, raise new business, and indicate acceptance of our Financial Report. The ANTS 39th AGM Member Poll is available here: http://www.ants.org.au/ants/mod/questionnaire/view.php?id=686
It would also be great if you could complete these other registers
- ANTS 39th Annual General Meeting RSVP, Apology and Attendance Register
- ANTS 39th Annual General Meeting Proxy Register
- Nomination for National Executive Committee
If you have never had an opportunity to host a WebConference or Webinar, as an ANTS member you can be given access to a session to experiment with. Why not get a few people together and give it a try.