ANTS News and Discussion Forum

Request for Support in Recruiting Participants for Research Study on Collaborative Learning in Nursing Education

Request for Support in Recruiting Participants for Research Study on Collaborative Learning in Nursing Education

by Stuart Taylor -
Number of replies: 0

Dear ANTS Members,

I have made a post on behalf of Quratulain Damani who is seeking support for her research. See her request below and the attached documents.

Please respond directly to Quratulain ( ). Do not reply to this forum post/email (goes to all members)

Stuart Taylor, ANTS Admin Officer.


Hi ANTS team, 

My name is Quratulain Damani, and I am a PhD Candidate at La Trobe University. 

I am writing to seek your support in recruiting participants (Australian Nurse Academics) for my research study titled Exploring Collaborative Learning in Undergraduate Nursing Education: A Grounded Theory. 

I would greatly appreciate your assistance in sharing the research invitation through any ANTS communication channels available, such as your newsletter or social media platforms (e.g., LinkedIn). Please let me know if this would be possible or if you require any additional information.

The goal of this research is to understand how nurse academics incorporate CL into their teaching, focusing on how they plan, implement, and evaluate these processes. The findings will provide valuable insights to help nursing educators harness the benefits of CL, enhance student engagement, and improve learning outcomes. Furthermore, the study will identify potential barriers in implementing CL and offer recommendations for best practices in nursing education.

How You Can Help
I kindly ask for your support in forwarding the attached research invitation email and flyer to undergraduate nursing academics within your school. This will help ensure that we reach the appropriate participants for this important study.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your support in disseminating this valuable research opportunity to your team.

Ethics Approval and Research Team
I would like to confirm that ethics approval for this research has been granted under ethics reference number HEC24518 from La Trobe University. 

The research team consists of the following:

  • Principal Investigator: A/Prof Gulzar Malik – La Trobe University
  • Co-supervisor: Dr. Sharon Bourke – La Trobe University
  • Student Investigator: Quratulain Damani – La Trobe University

Research Candidate Contact Information

Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to reach out.

Best regards,
Quratulain Damani
PhD Research Candidate 
La Trobe University 

Thanks & Regards, 

Quratulain (Annie) Damani
Student ID: 21336907
PhD Candidate, (Nursing Education), La Trobe University​
P 0403 737 581
La Trobe University | TEQSA PRV12132 - Australian University | CRICOS Provider 00115M

Attachment HEC24518 Resarcher Flyer.jpg