ANTS News and Discussion Forum

Looking for book reviewers

Looking for book reviewers

by Melissa Bloomer -
Number of replies: 1

Hi ANTS Members

As you will know, each edition of the e-Bulletin contains a number of book reviews or new release or topical texts relevant to nursing and nurse education.

I currently have three texts that require review for the upcoming March edition.  The book reviews need to be between 150 and 400 words long, focusing on the usefulness/relevance to either undergraduate or ongoing nurse education.

These books are provided for free to ANTS, and the person who completes the review, gets to keep the text. 

Currently I have three texts in the following areas available for review:-

-Health, Illness and Well-being - Perspectives and social determinants

-Nursing Care of Older People: A textbook for students and nurses

-Navigating the Maze of Research (3rd edition)

Reviews must be back to me by 15th February 2012.

Please send me an email at if you are interested in reviewing one of these texts



ANTS e-Bulletin Editor

In reply to Melissa Bloomer

Re: Looking for book reviewers

by Melissa Bloomer -

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the fast replies. All books have now been allocated


ANTS e-Bulletin Editor