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Interstate Educator Title Query

Interstate Educator Title Query

by Carolyn Keane -
Number of replies: 14

Hi All,

I am doing some research into nurse education roles throughout Australia and was wondering if everyone still uses the staff development terminology such as SDNs and SDEs? Could I ask you to please get back to me with the answers to a few queries such as:

1. What is your nurse education department titled?

2. What is the title of your nurse educators?

Thanks everyone, much appreciated!

Carolyn Keane


In reply to Carolyn Keane

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Helena Sanderson -

 Hi Carolyn

Sounds like some great research and I am sure you have some interesting reponses into the nurse educator role.

In Tamworth we don't have a dedicated education department , but would love one!!

The Title of the nurse educators are "Nurse Educators" or "Clinical Nurse Educators"

Cheers Helena ( NE ICU Tamworth)  

In reply to Helena Sanderson

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Deleted user -

Hi Helena

We posted almost at the same time! I am in theatres & thankfully we do have an education department but we are called on for other duties (as you could imagine) - we are lacking in an anaesthetic CNE position though.

Carolyn, just like Helena, we do not have a dedicated department in our hospital but 2 very dedicated Nurse Educators (the Hospital Educator & our OT educator) plus many other staff who take on CNE, CNS or CNC positions.


In reply to Carolyn Keane

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Deleted user -

Hi Carolyn

I'm at a private hospital in Sydney, NSW& we use Nurse Educator or Clinical Nurse Educator. We also have clinical coordinators that have an educational component to their roles as well


Hope that helps

Suzanne Querruel

Anaesthetic Coordinator

Westmead Private Hospital

In reply to Carolyn Keane

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Valerie Pearton -

Hi Carolyn,

NMHS-MH still uses SDN and SDE for level 2 and 3. Both are nursing positions, but carry responsibility for teaching all staff core competencies and occsionally other identified cross discipline needs. It has been brought up before, and no doubt will be again, why these positions are only open to nurses. I guess the titles will change if the positions ever become open to any discipline. At Graylands, where I am an SDN, currently a/SDE, we tend to refer to ourselves as 'the staff development unit' to distinguish from the Eductaion and Research Centre, which has 3 SDE's involved in planning placements and edcuation for students and graduates, but not delivering education.

kind regards


Valerie Pearton

In reply to Carolyn Keane

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Gillian O'Connor -

Hi Carolyn - Our NT wide education unit is titled Clinical Learning Branch, which is a dept of health unit. Our educators are called Nurse Education Consultants as we not only design and faciltated learning experiences for all health professionals in the NT, we also provide a consultancy service. Educators in clinical areas are referred to as Clinical Nusre Educators


Gill O'Connor

Nurse Education Consultant, Clinical Learning Branch, Alice Springs

In reply to Carolyn Keane

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Margaret Mason -

Hi Carolyn

At my last hospital (A private hospital), the department was under Human Resources, and was divided into Learning & Development (non clinical)  and Clinical Education.

Nurse educators were called Nurse educators if they either developed and supported programs, for instance New Graduates, or they were in a highly specialised area such as in ICU, Emergency, Palliative Care and Operating Theatres.  In the general wards, they were called Clinical Nurse Educators.

I have to say, I have never heard the the acronyms SDN or SDE, and I've been working as an educator for over 10 years. It must be a state thing ;-)

Margaret Mason

Part-time teacher
University of Wollongong


In reply to Margaret Mason

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Ruth Phillips -

Have just read a post from Margaret.  I don't know about the acronyms being a state thing..... they are more an 'old' thing.  SDN (Staff Development Nurse) been used in WA for at least 30 years!

Various workplaces I have been in have used Staff Development Nurse, Clinical Nurse Educator and Nurse Educator.

In reply to Ruth Phillips

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Margaret Mason -

Must definitely be a WA thing then.  I've worked in NSW and Victoria for over 35 years :-)

In reply to Carolyn Keane

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Anne Little -

I'm in the private health sector in WA and we have a centralised model of nursing education. It is titled Learning and Organisational Development (LOD). The SDE equivalents are titled Program Coordinators (Perioperative PC, Nursing PC, Hospital PC, Graduate PC etc) and the SDNs equivalents are Facilitators.

In reply to Carolyn Keane

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Deleted user -

Hi Carolyn, in rural NSW health districts, we have maybe one Nurse Educator, based at a referral hospital, and Clinical Nurse Educators, which may cover a ward, a hospital or several hospitals (I cover 4 as a CNE).  There are also special project Nurse Educators such as those employed for the RESUS4KIDS program.  In each health district we also have a Staff Development Coordinator who facilitates programs for new grads., CNEs and other nursing staff.  Sharon Emerson

In reply to Carolyn Keane

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Karen Simunov -

in SA the titlehas changed over the years with the EB Agreements.

A level 3 is known as a NEF Nurse Education Facilitator  prior to this we were called Nurse Educators and prior to this Staff Development Consultants  (3 changes over the past 15 years)

As for the department title that varies with the individula organisation at my organisation we are called the Clinical Education Centre and previous to this the School of Nursing.   the name change came about when the training moved to the tertiary sector.

Other education department names var across the state dependent on if they are nursing specific or have additonal responsibilities and non-nursing education staff

Names for other education departments in public metro hospitals in Adelaide are

  • Staff Development Department (SDD)
  • Nursing Education Centre
  • Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Education & Research(CNMER)
  • Department of Nursing & Midwifery Education
  • Centre for Nursing Education
  • Centre for Education and Training

... confused??           Cheers KAren

In reply to Karen Simunov

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Elizabeth Newham -

Hi Carolyn, I'm based at the John Hunter Children's Hospital in NSW. We follow many of our NSW colleagues. We don't have an education department and we have Nurse Educators and Clinical Nurse Educators...these 2 classifications are reflected in the NSW Public Nurses' Award and there is some clear distinction between the roles according to the award definitions.



In reply to Carolyn Keane

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Yvonna Zuydam -

Hi Carolyn

Tassie here

Tasmanian health Organization North West (THO-NW)

we look after 100,000 + population in 5 hospitals and many health centres, and our team is called the  Nursing and Midwifery Education and Research Team 

we have about 16 Clinical Nurse Educators (CNE) except for the maternity ward who is a CME, and we include mental health, maternity, theatres, paediatrics, ICU/HDU, Surgery , Emergency dept., Primary Health and Medical ward 

Hope that helps put us within a context, we are considered rural down here in this part of Tassie  cheers Yvonna

In reply to Carolyn Keane

Re: Interstate Educator Title Query

by Janine Anketell -

Hi Carolyn,

My colleague, Gill, from Alice Springs, has answered your questions.  I just wanted to flag that I am doing some research with Indonesian nurses (Bali) about the newly created position of CNEs at their hospital.  It's the first hospital in Indonesia to have CNEs.  They may develop their own title in the future and are adopting CNE at the moment.

Our paths may cross sometime!  Good luck with your research, will be very interesting to read.
