About Us
The inaugural Australian Nurse Teachers Society was established in New South Wales to cater to the professional interests of nurse teachers. Since it's inception the Society has grown to encompass both nursing and midwifery with membership including clinicians, specialists and academics with an interest in education.
One of the few autonomous organisations devoted exclusively to nurse/midwifery education ANTS has grown to include branches in most states, to meet the increasing need to address and evaluate new curricula, new governmental policy and other contemporary changes that have swept through.
As a Society we aim to provide support to those who provide education and learning to both nurses and midwives by the provision of education forums, research and study grants, support for conference attendance and the opportunity to meet and network with other like-minded professionals.
In addition to this the Society provides reports on policy documents and curricula.
The National Committee on behalf of it's members welcomes all who are interested in our education; our future.
We look forward to your support in our endeavour to promote this organisation.